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Friday, December 14, 2007


v Social and Economics inequalities give birth to inequalities in health Inspite of great improvement in Global health in last four decades, the difference in infant mortality rate
between 26 Richest countries and 46 most undeveloped countries is 16 times.

Ø Out of 6 Arab estimated population of the world, about 3 Arab people are surviving on less than 2 dollar per day expenditure.
v Out of these 3 Arab, 1 Arab 30 crores survive on 1 dollar per day expenditure.
Ø Daily 84 crore people are sleeping hungry.
v In the poorest 46 countries half of their people do not get Modern Health facilities
Ø 3 Arab people do not have sanitation facilities.
v The Difference of per capita income between the richest and poorest countries was 11:1 in 1870 was 38:1 in 1960 and 53:1 in 1985
Ø 3 hours expenditure of the world’s defence is equal to WHO Annual Budget.
v With 3 weeks world’s expenditure on armaments the whole population of poor countries can be provided safe drinking waterand sanitation and primary health care.


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